What are Qualified Opportunity Zones?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) to provide potentially significant tax benefits to investors who re-invest capital gains into long-term investments into communities designated for economic development. This solution is useful for investors who have substantial capital gains and a desire to realize them in a tax-efficient manner. As seen in the map below, these Opportunity Zones can be found in all 50 states in the US, the District of Columbia, and five US possessions.

Explore the map to see which communities have been designated as Opportunity Zones.

Map Source: EIG.org

Interactive Map of United States Opportunity Zones

CYRUS Opportunity Zone Areas of Focus

Our Strategic Focus in Southern California

Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds, like CYRUS, may invest in opportunity zones nationwide.  Despite our fund’s unlimited boundaries, we are focused on acquisitions in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. Our network of local, strategic partners give us a distinct competitive advantage in Southern California.

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Contact Us

Do you have more questions or want to learn more about the Cyrus Opportunity Zone Fund? Do you know of a Qualified Opportunity Zone investment opportunity that you would like to share? Please take a moment to fill out the form below to get in touch with our team.